The National Broadband Network
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (15:51): My favourite part of last week was when the Minister for Home Affairs looked across the dispatch box, eyed the Leader of the Opposition, and said, at the end of a question, ‘You’re in your dying days, brother.’ I loved it, because it spoke volumes about the pressure that the Leader … Continue reading The National Broadband Network

Governor of South Australia Visiting Barker
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (13:37): Today I rise to thank the Governor of South Australia, His Excellency the Hon. Hieu Van Le, and Mrs Lan Le for their visit on the weekend to the communities of Naracoorte and Lucindale in my electorate. I’ve spoken in this place a number of times regarding the recent Blackford-Avenue Range … Continue reading Governor of South Australia Visiting Barker

Citrus Health Star Ratings
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (10:51): It’s my melancholy duty to inform the chamber about the decision recently by the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation, which rubberstamped the previous decision of them, which has cut at the heart of the horticultural industry in Australia and New Zealand. Their decision will now allow fruit … Continue reading Citrus Health Star Ratings

Mrs Agnes (Bub) Mary McDonnell
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (16:28): Today I rise to offer my condolences to the family of Agnes Mary ‘Bub’ McDonnell, who passed away at the age of 94 on Sunday 24 January. Matriarchs and the importance of matriarchies are sometimes underestimated. Bub was a matriarch in the truest sense of the word, not just to her … Continue reading Mrs Agnes (Bub) Mary McDonnell

Support for the Horticulture Industry
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (18:01): In rising in support of the motion, I take this opportunity to congratulate the member for Nicholls for bringing this issue to the attention of this place. It’s important that we understand clearly the challenge Australia’s horticultural producers are facing as we move through this very intense harvest period that begins, … Continue reading Support for the Horticulture Industry

Australia Day Awards
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (13:55): Every year on 26 January, Australians reflect on what it means to be Australian. For me, Australia Day is a reminder of the tremendous freedoms we enjoy and how lucky we are to live in the greatest country on earth. I’m pleased to inform the House that five residents from my … Continue reading Australia Day Awards

Blackford Avenue Range Bushfire and the Queensland Fruit Fly
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (17:23): On 11 January, while many in this place were enjoying a summer vacation, re-energising before the year ahead, the township of Lucindale in my electorate faced a terrifying threat to their lives and livelihoods. The Blackford-Avenue Range bushfire at Lucindale burnt 14,000 hectares, with significant stock losses and impacted 75 landholders, … Continue reading Blackford Avenue Range Bushfire and the Queensland Fruit Fly

in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (16:00): The temerity of the Australian Labor Party and their members of parliament to come in here and debate a false premise, namely the government’s failure to deliver a proper jobs plan for the people of Australia, to be honest, doesn’t know any boundary. That a party that left the parliament in … Continue reading Employment

Truro Bypass
in In Parliament

Mr PASIN (Barker) (13:42):  I rise today to inform the House of the fantastic news that in Tuesday night’s budget, our government funded the construction of the Truro bypass in my electorate of Barker. The Truro bypass was identified by me as a priority project some eight years ago, and it is fantastic that this … Continue reading Truro Bypass