Mr PASIN (Barker) (16:08):  I want to take this opportunity to speak about one of the most common chronic childhood conditions, type 1 diabetes. It is a lifelong autoimmune disease that is usually diagnosed in childhood. I’m encouraged to speak in the Federation Chamber today by Lilly whom I’ve had the privilege of meeting a few times both here in the House as part of the Kids in the House initiative and back home in the Riverland in South Australia.

Lilly was four years old when she was diagnosed, and it’s changed her world. I actually can’t say anything more powerful than what Lilly’s mum Chelsea wrote to me about recently: the need for a cure. In Chelsea’s words:

As a mother watching her child suffer with this horrible disease, I find there is nothing more important I can do than to stand up and make the plea for help and support in finding a cure for the disease that has stolen my daughter’s carefree life and replaced it with a life of carb counting, insulin injections and/or pumping and constant monitoring. I could go on forever about the way Type 1 has changed Lily’s life, all of which break my heart. If I were to take this burden off her and take it on myself, I would do it in a heartbeat, but sadly this isn’t an option. The only thing I can do for Lilly is to try and find a cure.