Everyday volunteers throughout Barker demonstrate a willingness to work with others and commit to their local communities. They all deserve recognition for the part they play.

Does your organisation have:

President, Secretary, Treasurer, First Responders, Registrar, Coach, Umpire, Referee, Scorer, Official, Canteen Convenor, Co-ordinator, Administrator, Driver, Gardener, Groundsperson, Reading Assistants, Tuckshop Helper, Outreach Provider, Community Visitor, First Aid Officer, Wildlife Carer, Mentor or anyone who helps keep your organisation up and running.

If your sporting club / community group / organisation would like to recognise any individuals during National Volunteer Week (20-26 May 2024)

Please fill in the below form or email tony.pasin.mp@aph.gov.au

    Nominated person

    Your Contact Details