The Keith Men’s Shed has been awarded a grant of $4,250 from the Morrison Government under round 18 of the Government’s National Shed Development Programme.

Member for Barker Tony Pasin today congratulated the Men’s Shed for its successful application for the grant.

“The Keith Men’s shed offers support to local men who need a bit of space and some friendly, easy-going company,” Mr Pasin said.

“Men are often the last ones to make their health and wellbeing a priority.

“As well as bringing men together to work on meaningful projects, one of the great successes of Men’s Sheds around the country is that they provide a forum for men to talk about health issues and encourage men to take action on their health issues,”

“Our Government recognises the benefits that Men’s Sheds have to men’s health and wellbeing and we’re investing a total of $5.1 million over three years to the national men’s sheds movement,” Mr Pasin said.

Keith Men’s Shed will use its government grant to purchase a defibrillator as well as contribute toward roof insulation to address extreme temperatures.

The Men’s Shed grants programme provides funding for health improvement activities, the purchase of tools and equipment, community projects and training, and for building maintenance and development.

Media Contact: Charlotte Edmunds 8531 2466