The Australian Government Pacific Labour Mobility programs continue to be a priority for the Federal Government as the Federal Government continues to grow and expand making a key contribution to a range of sectors including agricultural.

The Pacific Labour Mobility programs is helping to address critical workforce shortages in rural and regional communities, while providing Pacific workers with skills and income to support the economic development of their countries.

“Since we restarted our successful Pacific Labour Mobility programs, more than 10,000 workers have arrived to help meet critical workforce shortages in agriculture, tourism and aged care,” said Mr Pasin.

“Between now and March next year, Australia will more than double the number of Pacific workers in Australia under the Pacific Labour Scheme and the Seasonal Worker Program, bringing in an extra 12,500 workers,” said Mr Pasin.

“Supporting Australian fruit growers is an imperative for me and so I’m pleased to see our Government is redoubling our efforts at this difficult time to ensure Australian growers can harvest their valuable crops.” Mr Pasin said.