Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Tony Pasin MP says Labor is putting heavy vehicle safety on the go slow and failing heavy vehicle operators as they seek to meet the growing freight task.

18 months after the Minister announced $140 million for the Heavy Vehicle Rest Area initiative, the Federal Labor Government has finally announced the first four projects totalling $6.7 million.

“The Labor Government is proving to be quick to announce but very slow to deliver when it comes to road safety and supporting our freight network and heavy vehicle operators,” Mr Pasin said.

“It has taken this Federal Labor Government two years to announce construction will begin on four projects. At this rate it will take the Minister 20 years to deliver her 2022 commitment.”

“Road freight is growing at two percent each and every year and it’s vitally important that we support heavy vehicle drivers to ensure the increasing road freight task is safe and efficient.”

Mr Pasin said $6.7 million is half the funding expected to be announced in the 2023-24 year and after 10 months since the program opened for applications, proponents were left wondering where the rest of the money is.

“The fact that the Labor Government sees road safety and efficiency programs as an opportunity to skim or delay funding to prop up their own budget is disgraceful.  The heavy vehicle operators of Australia deserve better.” Mr Pasin said.

“Labor must stop kicking this important safety need into the long grass and get on with making our roads safer and more efficient for all road users,” Mr Pasin said.

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