Member for Barker Tony Pasin MP says the Federal Labor Government’s ‘Nature Positive’ announcement made last month is nothing but a new bureaucracy that will cruel business investment.

“’Nature Positive’ is another example of a Labor Government that remains distracted, pursuing the wrong priorities,” Mr Pasin said.

Labor’s ‘Nature Positive Plan’ released on 8 December 2022, stated that legislation would be released as an exposure draft prior to being introduced into the Parliament before the end of 2023.

“It would appear that the Environment Minister has decided to focus on campaigning for the Voice to Parliament in 2023 rather than delivering environmental reforms,” Mr Pasin said.

“Now, to avoid criticism for failing to deliver, the Government had acted to establish a Federal EPA,” Mr Pasin said.

Mr Pasin argued that to date the Minister’s actions are contrary to recommendations in the Samuel Review.

“Professor Samuel did not recommend the creation of a Federal EPA – especially given that it would create more duplication and overlap, adding to a complex web of EPAs that already exist across most of the States and Territories of our Nation.” Mr Pasin said.

“Yet that is what the Minister has done. This Federal EPA, a new ‘green’ bureaucracy, is going to depress investment in this country. Essentially it will mean that if someone within the bureaucracy in Canberra doesn’t like what you’re doing in your business, they can have you and your project shut down.”

“This proposal creates a dangerously powerful bureaucracy that will slow environmental approvals,” Mr Pasin said.

Mr Pasin said Labor’s approach to the Environment portfolio didn’t strike the right balance between preserving the environment and growing the economy.

“The Albanese Government continually makes life harder and harder for businesses keen to invest, create jobs and generate wealth in Australia,” Mr Pasin said.

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