Member for Barker Tony Pasin MP has joined the Tatiara District Council to officially open the new worker accommodation at Bordertown.

The $680,000 project has built two, four-unit accommodation blocks at the Bordertown Caravan Park to help address the need to accommodate the local workforce.

The project received $335,000 from the former Federal Coalition Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) in round five of the program- the final round offered before the Albanese Labor Government cancelled the program.

The jointly funded project addresses the critical need for accommodation to attract and retain workers to the region.

“Housing supply underpins a regions economic sustainability. Without sufficient housing it’s difficult to attract the nurses, doctors, teachers and other vital skills that our regions need,” Mr Pasin said.

“Australia’s housing crisis is a significant limiting factor to the economic growth of our regions and one of the biggest barriers to growing the agricultural workforce that Australia needs.”

“Unfortunately, Australia’s housing crisis has worsened in the last couple of years with housing approvals now at their lowest levels since the Labor Gillard Government.”

“I commend the Tatiara District Council for seeking solutions to address the issue locally, including this accommodation project that will cater for a diverse mix of local workers, from nursing students on placement to seasonal harvest workers and permanent employees of the local meat processing plant.”

Mr Pasin said he was proud of the financial support given to the Bordertown community since 2016 through the Building Better Regions Fund.

“Coalition Government injected almost $1.5 million through BBRF to drive economic growth and build a stronger Bordertown community into the future,” Mr Pasin said.

“It’s all part of the former Coalition Government’s commitment to ensure local communities remain great places to live, work and raise families,” Mr Pasin said.

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