Member for Barker Tony Pasin MP has congratulated the District Council of Loxton Waikerie on the successful redevelopment of the Loxton Institute.

The project involved transforming the former Loxton Council Office at 29 East Terrace into a new Library, Visitor Information and Cultural Centre.

“The District Council of Loxton Waikerie has done a magnificent job of redeveloping the Loxton Institute into a state-of-the-art Library, Visitor Information and Cultural Centre, built and supported through careful planning and community effort. It’s a credit to the Council and broader community. It is a facility that all should be proud of and will serve to showcase all Loxton has to offer for many years to come” Mr Pasin said.

The project was funded with $1.65m in funding from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI), a former Coalition Government initiative to help Councils support local communities. 

Mr Pasin said the LRCI program was unique in that it responded to expressed local needs rather than one which invested via top-down determined priorities and strategies.

“I’m incredibly proud of the support provided to Local Government through the LRCI Program because it’s projects like the redevelopment of the Loxton Institute that ensures our productive and vibrant region remains strong, resilient and prosperous in the long term,” Mr Pasin said.

The $3.25 billion LRCI Program supports Local Government around Australia to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects, creating jobs and long-lasting benefits for communities.

The Loxton and Waikerie communities have benefit from more than $4 million across four rounds of the Program which has funded a number of projects to improve local roads, sporting and community infrastructure.

“It’s all part of ensuring that local communities remain a great place to live, work and raise a family,” Mr Pasin said.

“I’m pleased Senator Grogan could see fit to visit the Riverland to open this project but it’s incredibly disappointing that the Albanese Labor Government has decided to discontinue the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. It means less funding for local councils for much needed local road repairs and community facilities,” Mr Pasin said.

“I’m sure Senator Grogan who joined the Loxton community to celebrate this community achievement  will have received feedback on how important this funding stream was and how ill considered its cancellation by her government was!” Mr Pasin said.

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