Mr PASIN (16:31): Communities in the Riverland are bracing themselves for the economic fallout of water buybacks and will inevitably see a decline in primary production and in the economic activity that goes with it in the region. I'll always stand against any policy that reduces the ability of farmers to grow food and fibre in this country


I want to see a thriving and diverse Riverland where we not only continue the proud tradition of producing high-quality food but we also warmly welcome visitors to our riverbanks and we protect and preserve the unique ecology of the region. That's why I'm such a strong supporter of Calperum station as part the Riverland's diverse offering.


Calperum creates important employment and training opportunities, environmental education and ecological preservation and boosts the visitor economy. With the right investment, the possibility for increasing this positive contribution is almost endless, but ageing infrastructure at Calperum is an impediment to sustainability and growth.


It's incredibly frustrating to watch projects like Calperum Connect being put on hold while building costs blow out and co-contributions are withdrawn as a result of state Labor's lack of support for the project.


Just as I will take up the fight on water rights to protect and respect the generations of growers, so too will I fight for funding to support the ecotourism and the education and training offerings at Calperum station


A strong Riverland needs a strong Calperum, and I'm committed to giving them the infrastructure they need.

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