Shadow Minister for Roads and Road Safety Tony Pasin MP says alarming road toll figures highlighted by the RAA yesterday reiterates the need for governments to change tact and do more to address the road safety crisis.

As reported by the RAA, 12 people lost their lives on South Australian roads in January – the deadliest first month of the year since 2019.

Of the 12 fatal crashes so far this year, six occurred in regional SA and six in the metropolitan area.

Mr Pasin said the State and Federal Labor Governments weren’t focused on road safety.

“We need road safety initiatives and infrastructure investment being directed where it is needed to address the road safety crisis that has been unfolding on Australian roads.

“It’s clear that road safety measures currently in place are not working effectively, and while the Albanese Government talks the talk on data, Labor’s pork barrelling becomes more apparent as the Federal election gets closer.

“South Australia’s road network is 23,000 kms in length but Labor only seems to be concerned with the roads that fall within the boundaries of the Federal electorate of Boothby measuring 115 sq km in size,” Mr Pasin said.

The Federal and State Labor Government’s recently announced $30 million infrastructure investment in Brighton Road Intersection Improvements. This announcement follows $200 million to remove the tram level crossing at Morphett Road.

“Unfortunately for South Australian road users, Federal and State Labor Government infrastructure investment decisions seem to be based more on the political needs of Louise Miller-Frost than the road safety needs of the State,” Mr Pasin said.

“When there exists a $3bn road maintenance backlog in South Australia alone, not to mention the funding needed for pivotal, future proofing infrastructure projects such as Greater Adelaide Freight Bypass, and duplication of major freight routes such as the Augusta, Sturt and Dukes Highways, we need leadership that thinks beyond saving the political skin of Louise Miller-Frost, Albo’s Member for Boothby.” 

“It beggars’ belief that at a time when this country is experiencing the worse road safety statistics seen since 1966, Albanese is more focused on holding on to the keys of the Lodge than investing in infrastructure projects to save lives,” Mr Pasin said.

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