Pride In Our Nation

Last year, in the wake of the divisive Voice Referendum of 2023, we witnessed an escalation of the war on Australia Day to levels greater than I care to remember.

I’ve never seen our nation as divided as it has been over the past two years.

Now, it would seem the tide is turning as usually quiet Australians begin to push back, having had a gutful of being told what to do by woke activists.

We are now seeing major supermarkets return to stocking Australia Day merchandise, the pubs and clubs that were slated to close apologise and pledge to remain open and councils across the country backflip on their decision to cancel Australia Day ceremonies.

While these decisions are a welcome turn of events there remains a loud minority of activists who wish to drag down Australia Day, seemingly ashamed of our nation.  

Our nation’s history is complex, and we should reflect upon this journey, the challenges we have faced, losses felt and the adversity we have overcome to stand as Australians, together.

The great Australian success story is what unites us.

Australia is a nation that is the envy of the world. We should be proud of what we have achieved and our standing on the global stage.

Our nation is made up of people who hail from every corner of the earth. It is our unity as Australians that strengthens our nation and will ensure our continued prosperity.

As Australia Day approaches, I encourage everyone living in Barker to celebrate with pride on January 26 and push back against those who wish to divide us.

Attend your local community event, come together and join in celebrating our shared identity as proud Australians.

I also encourage you to display the Australian National Flag as a powerful symbol of pride for our nation and the core values that define us as Australians – mateship, freedom and a fair go for all.

To this end, Together Under One Flag’ bumper stickers, are available free to all Barker residents. To get yours, visit and I will send one out to you.

Happy Australia Day!

Tony Pasin MP

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