Dear Editor,

I commemorated Vietnam Veterans Day on Sunday this year in Murray Bridge, at the recently revamped Murray Bridge War Memorial. It was fantastic to see the signage and gardens completed at the War Memorial as a result of the $10,000 funding grant secured from the Commonwealth Government earlier this year.

The 18th day of August is a significant day in history of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.

Originally known as Long Tan Day it was on this day in 1966 that 108 Australian and New Zealand solders fought a battle against over 2,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong Troops in a rubber plantation near the small village of Long Tan.

In torrential rain over a period of 4 hours, the Australians prevailed.

18 Australians lost their lives and 24 were seriously wounded – the largest number of casualties in one operation since the Australian task force had arrived a few months earlier.

This battle has come to mark a great achievement of the conflict but one that came at a great cost.

The anniversary of this battle has come to mark the ultimate sacrifice made by all those who died during the decade of Australian involvement in the Vietnam War and to acknowledge and thank all those who served.

On Vietnam Veterans' Day, we pause and reflect on the bravery, teamwork and endurance that Australians displayed throughout that war.


Tony Pasin MP

Federal Member for Barker

Shadow Assistant Minister Infrastructure and Transport

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