The Limestone Coast community must be made privy immediately to the results of a feasibility study into delivering radiation treatment services for the region.

On Monday 24 June, Health Q Consulting, who undertook the feasibility study into establishing Radiation Treatment Therapy in the Limestone Coast, handed the final report to the Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN) Governing Board.

LCLHN Board Chair Grant King has told media that the Board will need time to review the report before making recommendations to the Minister and not until that process is complete the report will be made public.

Minister Picton has consistently hidden behind the LCLHN and their regional governance of our public health system.

If the regional communities are more directly responsible for health care service delivery and planning through the establishment of the Local Health Networks, then the Limestone Coast community should be privy to the report and have the opportunity to give feedback that will be taken into consideration before the Board drafts its recommendations.

If not, all we have is yet another disconnected and opaque arm of Minister Picton’s bureaucracy.

Since September 2022 the campaign to have local Radiation Treatment Therapy has been a grassroots campaign run by local Limestone Coast community members.

More than 20,000 local petition signatures were gathered by the volunteers of the Limestone Coast Radiation Treatment working Group.

The Limestone Coast community, as South Australians taxpayers, fought for and funded the feasibility report, as such they deserve to see the report and have input into the local Board’s recommendations.

When will Minister Picton stop treating the Limestone Coast community with such contempt? It’s about time the 20,000 signatories of the petition were taken seriously, and the report was made public.

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