Member for Barker Tony Pasin MP has awarded the Monteith Public Hall a Federal Government Volunteer Grant worth $2,500 to purchase new white goods for the kitchen.

The original iron Institute Hall at Monteith was officially opened in September 1910 to support the newly established settlement on the flats of the Murray before the existing stone building was erected in 1922.

For over 100 years the building has been an important social hub for the small community to connect through events and social gatherings that are so vital for the health and wellbeing of rural and regional communities.

Mr Pasin said he was delighted to support the community as it comes together to renovate the historic hall.

“Our regional communities are under a lot of strain at the moment with the increasing cost of living, interest rates rises and for our farming communities higher cost of production and uncertain supply chains, particularly in the South Australian dairy sector,” Mr Pasin said.

“There has never been a more important time for community to come together and connect through these tough times. The Monteith Public Hall is more than just a building, it’s a meeting place with over a century of history that represents everything great about living in a small community,” Mr Pasin said.

Mr Pasin said that this small grant will be used to purchase a new fridge and dishwasher, ensuring the Hall will remain the community’s central hub for years to come.

“I am proud to deliver volunteer grants to organisations including the Monteith Public Hall Committee to support the crucial role that the committee and it’s volunteers play within the fabric of rural communities,” Mr Pasin said.

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