South Australia has missed out yet again under the Albanese Labor Government providing the State with just three per cent of funding under the latest round of Growing Regions program.

Member for Barker Tony Pasin MP said South Australia has missed out on the Prime Minister’s pre-election cash splash receiving the smallest share of funding of any state.

“In 2022 Anthony Albanese promised no one would be left behind under an Albanese Labor Government. Unfortunately, it seems he wasn’t talking about regional South Australians,” Mr Pasin said.

“It’s blatantly obvious that Labor is more interested in playing politics and prioritising states and seats the Prime Minister is desperate to hold or win in the upcoming election,” Mr Pasin said.

“Unfortunately for South Australian regions it means projects that are desperate for funding to increase economic activity in our regional communities have missed out.”

After three weeks of big spending announcements in Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania only $11.5 million has been allocated for five projects in South Australia from a $392 million regional grants program – just three per cent.

“Albanese and his Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Minister are splashing cash while South Australia’s regional communities get the crumbs. One project in Launceston alone received more than the total funding for South Australia,” Mr Pasin said.

Mr Pasin said he was pleased to see Kingston SE Childcare project receive funding after two years of State and Federal Labor Government’s dragging their feet on the project while construction costs skyrocketed.

Mr Pasin also praised members of the Penola Football Club for their application saying the funding would be going to a well deserving project, receiving $1.5 million to upgrade facilities.

“While the two projects to receive funding in Barker is fantastic news, there are so many other very important projects that have been left behind because Albanese simply doesn’t care about South Australia,” Mr Pasin said

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